Friday, October 23, 2009

South Park: Butters' Bottom Bitch

On to the next South Park episode, called Butters' Bottom Bitch. This episode was great as far as I'm concerned. This was classic Butters and that is all you really need to make for a solid episode of South Park. You don't even need Cartman or any of the other characters if Butters is in his top form. The premise for this episode was Butters finally gets to kiss a girl because she charges 5 dollars for one behind the school. This gives Butters the idea of starting a Kissing Company, where he basically becomes a pimp and gets some of the money when boys at school pay for kisses. At the same time, one police officer goes to extreme measures to try and get rid of prostitution in South Park.

This episode becomes great when Butters actually turns into and starts acting like a pimp. His interactions with the other pimps at the Pimp Convention was great, especially when the pimps give him advice. When Butters starts talking and has the mannerisms of a pimp is comedy gold. Especially when he justifies his business to Kyle, like saying that "all boys pay for kisses eventually" by "listening to their mother fucking problems." I laugh just thinking about it. Also, the making fun of Acorn was a funny cultural reference that SP does so well.

As for the whole undercover cop thing, it was a little much, even for me. The whole doing the sex acts before he arrests the people was funny at first, but then it goes out of control. Him crapping out the "evidence" was nasty, but I'm not surprised at the lengths this show will go. Aside from how far the show went with the undercover cop, this episode was excellent. This was the classic Butters we have come to love.

This episode gets a 9.0

I'm gonna try calling my girlfriend my bottom bitch and see how far that gets me. Probably a breakup and a punch in the balls.

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